Monday, January 18, 2010

Lees Towing According To Atticus, Why Don't Blacks Get A Fair Deal In Court & Why Are Jurors From The Country & Not Tow?

According to Atticus, Why don't blacks get a fair deal in court & why are jurors from the country & not tow? - lees towing

To Kill a Mockingbird
Harper Lee

1 comment:

bookgal said...

Blacks do not receive fair treatment in court because there is no black jurors, which means that the jury was all white, and what kind of jury would never be an acquittal of a black man, especially if it is a crime against a white man, no matter how poor and the target was negligible.

Jurors are in the country and not the city to ensure they were "unilaterally" against any interested party. (In the City)

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